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What is actually going on with Soyu's condition?

Article: SISTAR Soyu's attitude controversy... where did it go wrong

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+433, -40] She's been injured for over a month, I'm surprised that she still even has schedules to do. Starship's at fault for overworking her like this but so is Soyu for not being professional and going on all the events and shows with a darkened expression and concerning viewers with it. On the other hand, I can't help but wonder if Soyu is purposely acting like this to show her problems with her agency overworking her like this.

2. [+394, -36] At the 'Sketchers' event, the other members were off in their own little group laughing and chatting away. I think there's something going on between the members too. They all looked like they were having fun with Soyu to the side. Normally when a member is sick like that, the members will try to include her more by checking on her condition and cracking jokes to lighten the mood but they didn't show any of that at all for her.

3. [+344, -31] The problem is that she could've handled this two ways and chose the worser option: attend the events for the sake of the fans vs feeling sick and not wanting to attend but being forced to by the agency and showing everyone that she's upset about it

4. [+67, -43] They really should just let her rest if she's that sick... there's only so much you can control your facial expressions with. Stop asking her to just hold it in, celebrities are people too.

5. [+33, -4] Being sick is her personal problem. Why should consumers have to be concerned with her being sick? We don't care and don't have to know. Since when did your bank teller ever half ass her service and act all moody at work because she's sick? Since when did an employee ever mess up a meeting with a client because she's too sick and opted instead to sit on the side with a blank face? Being sick is her problem and if she's sick to the point of it interfering with her work, she should fight her agency and get time off or leave the group. Why act like this at a place of work? Did she not see those interviews of that gagman who was forced to go out to work and crack jokes and laugh even though his parents passed away? Or Im Hyun Shik who said he still had to go out and act after his wife passed? That's professionalism and being responsible for your career. Soyu's acting like some rebellious teen, and no excuses can be made for treating her consumers with a facial expression like that.

6. [+28, -19] I was at their Sky Festival on the 14th and saw SISTAR just as they were getting off the stage. Soyu looked extremely sick. She looked like she had a fever because she was holding her forehead. It was obvious she was sick on stage too from her facial expression ã… ã…  I hope she gets better!

7. [+27, -6] She just has way too many controversies so far

8. [+27, -7] Her problem is that she's taking her issues with her company out on the people who are watching her. She's an idiot, it's not like her fans are the ones forcing her to attend these schedules. Fans will only put up with so much. They supported her all this time saying fighting, find strength, and now she's getting hate in return because she's taking her anger out on them instead.

9. [+24, -6] I think she's purposely doing this as an act of rebellion against her agency

10. [+22, -5] Soyu has been in dozens of attitude controversies so far. I honestly wonder what's going on in her head.

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