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'Catmom' murderer discovered to be two kids throwing bricks for fun

Article: 'Cat mom' death, civil case to be determined by whether it was intentional or not

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

[ previous article here: Woman possibly murdered for feeding stray cats ]

Investigations found that it was 9 year old and 10 year old boys who were throwing bricks to test how fast it took to fall to the floor. Whether they intentionally threw the bricks knowing there were people beneath them has not been determined because of differing testimonies.


1. [+12,616, -309] This can't just be brushed off. Do we have to wear helmets when we walk around our own apartments now! Don't let them go easy just because they're kids.

2. [+12,037, -420] It does't matter anymore where the person who died is a 'cat mom' so stop mentioning it

3. [+8,727, -117] Thoughtless children. Immoral parents who defend them... I wonder if they even visited the family of the deceased and apologized...!

4. [+7,956, -131] Looks like we really need to be wearing helmets around our apartments now... I remember a few years ago a 50 year old ajumma died after being hit by rocks some kids were throwing..

5. [+2,115, -24] They're liars. They said that they were testing the gravity drop lesson they were taught in school but their schools never taught it!!!

6. [+2,109, -42] Whatever aciton they decide to take to punish them, make sure it remains on their records. Why let the kids get off just because they're young? If they're in 3rd grade of elementary school, they're old enough to know whether what they're doing is right or wrong.

7. [+1,969, -31] I honestly think it's a huge lie that they didn't mean it intentionally

8. [+1,833, -39] Elementary school kids aren't the innocent kids we remember from our past. The kids know the law better than we do so go strong on the punishment!


Source: Nate

1. [+892, -14] Whatever the punishment, make sure it gets on their records so that their future spouses will know.

2. [+837, -18] Their families are being so selfish. Sure he's their kid but the catmom had a husband and children too. How could the parents have held out so long knowing that their kids had killed a woman? Then they come up with some stupid excuse saying they were testing gravity drops of items. No wonder the kids are so messed up growing up under parents like that. Stop defending them. They should've stepped up and confessed that they did the crime from the start. I wonder how long they've been preparing this excuse for... gravity drop my butt.

3. [+772, -41] Honestly, if I was a family member of the deceased, I'd go and chase them down and kill them all myself before committing suicide. To have my own family member killed because of some stupid kids fooling around... no amount of money can compensate for that.

4. [+78, -7] Their first excuse was that they were testing gra

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