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What Korean Idols do when they get Bored! Jiyeon, Hyomin, Hong Jin Young

So lately I've been looking more deeply in the Korean Entertainment, well, honestly not that much! I had to start like this to gain more of your trust, i just looked up for like 2, 3 NICE chicks, and one of those chicks is my favorite Jiyeon or no, maybe "I don't Know" you're putting to much pressure on me,  hehe i was just fucking with 'ya!

Now let's get down to the business, the Korean Entertainment is a hundreds of millions some say BILLIONS dollars  industry, have you wondered what Korean Idols do when they get bored?  Well the most of them are sleeping, laying on the couch with a pet or watching dramas, favorite shows, they stay at home the most of the times unless they have some schedules they will do this for sure! Most of them have a really stressful life and not just because of the hard work but because they live in fear all the time, fear of being robed, harassed, fear of being disliked, fear of people gases and so on, they definitely don't have a happy life!  Friends? Well, most of them have some friends! Of course they're friends are from Entertainment industries because they wouldn't walk around with just any loser right? Not really, but still TRUE!

Now that you know how Idols live they're lives you definitely aren't anymore jealous on them, trust me a boring life where you can do almost what you want, you can go and even have a piss on the streets without whoring that people would take a picture of you and that would mark your life, yeah some people might laugh because of that and have some fun but in a couple of days someone else will do something more stupider and they will forget about your foolishness, instead if you're a Idol and you want to piss on some abandoned street you most probably will get some pap's right under your snake/cake to take a picture, and the worst part is not that people would see your snake/cake but instead this event will mark your Holly carrier.

Example Discussion:
Rob: Hey, what's up freed, again with that phone?

Freed: Hey, hey haha of course, i was just reading a story about "Some Idol" that will do a movie.

Rob: What? Who's "Some Idol" ? I never heard of him!

Freed: Lool, the one who pissed on the street!

Rob: Ohhh, that one!

You got my point? Hehe you definitely want your boring life more than a Idol's life! I would continue on this path with a long story but let's see what some idols do when they get bored

Jiyeon Park

A video posted by JIYEON (@jiyeon2__) on

A video posted by JIYEON (@jiyeon2__) on

A video posted by JIYEON (@jiyeon2__) on

 Hong Jin Young


A video posted by HyoⓂ️in (@hyominnn) on

Hmmm, Hyomin is pretty much every time SERIOUS, Hyomin c'mon get us some fun/crazy stuff!

And there are some more but i got bored to keep looking, as you could see some of them seem to be happy and have fun but who know how they feel when they hide in the "Closet"

This is all,


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