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Lee Tae Im and Kim Ye-won Scandal! Revealed The Truth

If you found this article  i guess that you heard that Lee Tae Im and Yewon had a "fight" and you came here to start shooting Yewon with your bad ass comments huh? Well if that's so you can go and fuck yourself!

The thing is that i never understood people when it comes to "informal speech" why should i have a formal speech just because someone is bigger or more popular than me? WTF i don't give a shit if you're old as my father, if you don't fucking respect me than i will fucking use my personal form of speech and this speech will have a lots of bad words! Example: FUCK YOU! And after all, who the fuck decided which are bad or good words or why we have to use formal speech with someone just because is bigger than us huh? "Well, the society!" Guess what, i don't care about the society rules!

I believe that people should treat other people in base of how they are treated! If someone is bigger or more "popular" doesn't mean that i have to kiss them in the ASS "fuckers"! Let's get back to the story.

First Thing first let's take a piece of  conversation from allkpop
Lee Tae Im: It's really cold, you should try going in there once too
Yewon: Can't ('ahndweh' - informal speech)
Lee Tae Im: You don't want to? But you like watching others do it?

AllKpop  added "Can't ('ahndweh' - informal speech)" what? this is informal speach? What is wrong with this losers to!

As we could see Lee Tae Im started with ohh you're a loser aaa why you don't want to go "in there" and you just like to watch other do it huh, you slut! of course she said this "Lee Tae Im: You don't want to? But you like watching others do it? " but i translated it with the real meaning, so you're welcomed!

Let's get another piece from this loser AllKpop
Yewon: No No ('ahni ahni' - informal)
Lee Tae Im: Why are you using the informal speech?
Yewon: (chuckles) No No  ('ahni ahni' - informal)
Lee Tae Im: Do I seem like a person you can look down on?

Oh my gosh! so saying No No is informal? Who the fuck invented this stupid rules, ohh i know "The Society" Than Lee Tae Im said "Why are you using the informal speech?" Huh... as you could see Yewon was pretty COLD out there and she looked pretty scared at first, maybe she knew this "bitch" (Lee Tae Im)! Who knows maybe Yewon got confused or puzzled or something cause she definitely looked like someone that is pretty much in shock or confused! After Lee Tae Im started the fire with her "INFORMAL SPEECH" the water started to boil, and when you put 2 girls in a boiled water you will get what you just saw in the Video, Yewon replayed with "NO, NO" so it's clear that she didn't meant to be impolite but this "bitch" (Lee Tae Im) continued with "Lee Tae Im: Do I seem like a person you can look down on? " Who looked down to who? I see Yewon down and Lee Tae Im was up in her feats so after all wasn't Lee Tae Im that was looking down on Yewon? And what exactly did she meant by "Do I seem like a person you can look down on?" What?!? Are there people on who you can look down on? I don't get this "woman", if i can call her like that, i guess i will do tho cause she has a VAGINA!

Let's continue with this conversation, i got pretty exited!
Yewon: No it's just cold. No ('ahni-yo' - switches to formal speech from this point). Unni, you don't like me huh?
Lee Tae Im: Why are looking at me in that way?
Yewon: Huh?
Lee Tae Im: I said why are you looking at me that way? You're blind to this situation aren't you?

I got to tell you this folks, i got to! Yewon was the damn VICTIM here, you can see that just by the way how this "bitch" Lee Tae Im speaks to her, i guess Lee Tae Im believes that she is a DIVINITY or some kind of GOD or shit! Guess what Lee Tae Im, You're not a DIVINITY NOR A GOD so chill down girl!

Poor Yewon "Yewon: No it's just cold. No ('ahni-yo' - switches to formal speech from this point ).  Unni, you don't like me huh?"  damn i really feel bad for Yewon, she is clearly the victim here and under attack of Tae Im, i guess Lee Tae Im is in her GLORIOUS days(RED/BLOOD etc... and when i say RED i don't talk about Hyuna! :P) and we MAN, know that woman's change at 180° when they are in their glorious days, OR Lee Tae Im is like that all the time, she really thinks that she is more special than others huh?!?

Tae Im goes: "Lee Tae Im: Why are looking at me in that way? " WTF she didn't saw that Yewon was pretty much confused? Hehh she clearly saw it, but Tae Im clearly sees herself bigger than Yewon and i don't talk about the AGE! Tae Im started to go really into the "fight" if she was older why the fuck didn't played the OLDER SISTER  role? Why she fucking started a fight when you can clearly see that Yewon tried to ameliorate the awkward situation!

"Lee Tae Im: I said why are you looking at me that way? You're blind to this situation aren't you? "

Now you "fuckers" tell me that this is not the 'bitch" (Lee Tae Im) fault? If so like i said before FUCK YOU! Oh i got bored, i will go to watch some porn, i will stop here!

This is all,


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