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Yoobin and Sunmi reflect on their careers post WG disbandment

Yoobin and Sunmi reflect on their careers post WG disbandment

Article: Yoobin, "Wonder Girls disbandment was a decision I don't regret"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+447, -5] Sunmi must really have no regrets ã…‹ã…‹ she's left the group, went to college, came back to the group, hit daebak as a solo ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+187, -57] Sunmi said all that talk about how she isn't coming back to the industry and wanted to focus on studying and yet she's back and even doing feminist things. Yoobin, don't be like her.

3. [+108, -30] Yoobin's skills got a free ride her entire career, how can she go solo?

4. [+13, -21] What has she done since leaving WG though..

5. [+9, -9] I support you

7. [+9, -9] Wonder Girls did retro for every concept and now retro again for her solo? Isn't she tired of it...

8. [+8, -0] Sunmi profited the most


Article: Sunmi, "I was able to think about who I am after leaving JYP... I found my identity"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+256, -26] What a joke. She quit WG to get into college on special treatment ã…‹ã…‹ it's been 8 years and she hasn't graduated yet when all of her peers have. Is she even attending classes still??

2. [+241, -24] She was never that close with the other WG members. Even admitted to not knowing Yoobin's phone number. She's 4-dimensional but a bit of a weird personality.

3. [+231, -22] She managed to make up for how disgustingly bad she is at singing with some decent performances but ended up plagiarizing a song ã…‹ã…‹ so shameless

4. [+27, -3] There are busier idols who managed to graduate earlier than her. How is she still even in college for theater when she hasn't acted at all since??

5. [+25, -11] Well she should realize that it was JYP who set the groundwork for her to discover her identity...

6. [+19, -10] She's the biggest winner out of WG, no? Made all her money, left and came back to the group, went to college off their fame, hit daebak with a solo ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

7. [+14, -12] Who knew she'd hit daebak though... She was always overshadowed by Sohee, Yoobin, and Sunye, which made her leave the group to go study... didn't really shine when she came back either. Going solo was the best thing for her.

8. [+10, -0] Her solos came at the right timing, right when Hyuna was stripping down, which made Sunmi look classier by comparison. She's not even a good singer... what identity is she talking about?


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