Seungri specially orders a roasted baby pig for Park Soo Hong
Seungri specially orders a roasted baby pig for Park Soo Hong
Article: Big Bang Seungri orders a 'baby pig barbecue' for Park Soo Hong... surprising visuals
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+383, -140] This is so cruel. Kittens, baby pig meat... human beings are the most cruel animals. Why is it necessary to kill something so young and roast it whole just because it's supposed to taste good?
2. [+344, -53] Baby pig.... ㅜ
3. [+235, -25] Park Soo Hong mentioned that he should have a son as old as Seungri by now ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ You really wouldn't be able to tell with how young he looks ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
4. [+51, -8] I'm able to eat a whole chicken in chicken stew but why does looking at this make me feel so guilty ã… ã…
5. [+41, -55] I won't judge others for eating stuff like this... since I eat samgyupsal too... but are the producers serious with not censoring the pig and even showing them cutting into it? It was roasted whole for crying out loud... and kids could've been watching. On another show, they ordered the same thing but at least they had the decency to blur it out... I really couldn't bear to watch them cut into it.
6. [+34, -9] Even fishermen let baby fish back into the waters if it's too young... Can we please not eat baby pigs like this? It's not too late to let them grow a bit older... ã…
7. [+34, -10] The size of the pig looks like a baby, still young enough to be needing his mother's milk... This is so cruel. Imagine how psychopathic humans must look to pigs... we take their babies and roast them whole...
8. [+31, -5] Ah, seeing it roasted whole like that breaks my heart for some reason ㅜ
9. [+30, -53] I was disappointed with Seungri's life after seeing this episode. He goes horse back riding which is a form of animal abuse and he ordered this roasted pig specifically because it's young... I couldn't bear to watch, the mom pig is probably crying somewhere...
10. [+22, -8] People are so hypocritical ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ why is it okay to kill an adult pig but not a baby pig? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ They're all the same lives... If you're not going to eat the other, then don't eat any at all... It's hypocritical to treat the baby's life as more precious than a fully grown pig
11. [+22, -10] I guess I'm human too because I felt turned off when I saw that it was a baby pig... but I know that it'd be hypocritical of me to say anything since it's another culture and I'd be no different from the French people who accuse us of eating dog meat.
12. [+20, -9] When I was a kid and read about the three little pigs, I was so scared of the wolf;;; now that I'm older, I realize it's human beings who are the most cruel ã… How can you even bear to swallow the meat of a baby pig that's been roasted whole?? I'm so disgusted
13. [+16, -9] It's a part of Indonesian culture, people should learn to be more respectful of that. Do you guys know that the fried chicken you eat was slaughtered less than 30 days after birth? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ These animals are all raised to be eaten, what's it matter whether they're slaughtered young or fully grown? They're still trapped in the life as a caged animal either way.
14. [+14, -2] It's funny to see what humans choose to relate to. The whole chicken in your ginseng chicken stew was alive for the same amoutn of time as this baby pig. I doubt we'd be reading these comments at all if the pig was cut into pieces before being served. People only feel bad because they can see that it was a whole pig. It's amazing what visuals can do to the human heart.
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