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Hollywood: Eminem's daughters

Hollywood: Eminem's daughters

Article: Eminem's grown two daughters... as beautiful as celebrities

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+508, -13] Reminds me of when Eminem was performing in Japan and the crowd was so quiet. His next concert was in Korea and he looked so happy at the crowd cheering him on ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+306, -10] Truly golden spoon daughters. Jealous~

3. [+294, -14] The daughters totally took after their mother

4. [+27, -1] What's amazing about Eminem is that Kim couldn't afford to take care of the daughter she had with another man so Eminem adopted her too. The two girls share the same mother which is why they look alike. When is Eminem coming back to Korea!!!! He promised he would~~~~

5. [+21, -0] Eminem really doesn't seem to age... just me... ã… ã… 

6. [+18, -0] I feel like he'd never let anyone get away with messing with his daughters. Whoever his future son-in-law is going to be has a tired life ahead of him.

7. [+16, -4] I think his daughters look like him

8. [+15, -0] His oldest looks good with light make up and normal clothes. She wears such thick make up on her Instagram with revealing clothes. She looks her age here, so pretty.

9. [+10, -0] 'Without Me' is still such a good song to listen to ã…‹

10. [+7, -0] Hailie seriously looks like Kim

11. [+7, -1] They really do look like Kim. I wonder what it must feel like to have Eminem as a father.

12. [+6, -1] Eh? Isn't one of the daughters not even his? And yet these two look so alike.


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