Roo safely returns home
Roo safely returns home
Article: Late Jonghyun's pet dog returns home safely to arms of family "We found Roo"
Source: TV Daily via Nate
1. [+1,165, -68] Please don't lose her again
2. [+965, -27] So glad they found her ã… ã… ã… !!
3. [+701, -17] Good news~~!
4. [+44, -9] Keep your dogs leashed
5. [+43, -8] Just make sure you kepe her leashed
6. [+42, -2] Everyone, please have a dog collar on them ã… you never know when the unexpected can happen... so glad she's back home
7. [+36, -2] Lost dogs or dogs who are hit on the road are 100% the fault of the owners. Please keep your dogs microchipped, collared, and leashed outside.
8. [+32, -9] Roo was lost on SHINee's debut day and then found again the day of SHINee's new song release. Something about that makes me choke up ã…
9. [+27, -9] So they never had her leashed and just let her roam free??? No wonder dog owners have such a bad reputation
10. [+24, -4] I'm a dog owner too but you guys really need to keep them leashed instead of crying about it after you lose them
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