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Dispatch uncovers Katalk proof that YouTuber Yang Yewon was a willing participant in her photos

Dispatch uncovers Katalk proof that YouTuber Yang Yewon was a willing participant in her photos

Article: [Exclusive] "174 Katalk messages and a 13 page contract" Everything that Yang Yewon didn't disclose

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+1,990, -72] As a fellow woman, I supported her petition and cried with her while watching her YouTube video... so she fooled the entire country? Afte rher nudes were released, she filmed the video acting like she was a victim and lied all along?

2. [+1,912, -53] She's going to go down in history as the b*tch who forced other actual victims of #metoo and sexual harassment to not come forward with their stories. Please throw this b*tch in jail.

3. [+1,699, -42] She scammed the entire country

4. [+153, -14] She's a scam. Now because of her, actual victims won't be able to come forward.

5. [+121, -6] How many people did she scam? Her boyfriend wasn't even aware that she was lying this whole time and kept begging for support... Does she think other women work real part-time jobs because they're stupid? I can't believe she cosplayed as a victim just because her photos got released.

6. [+119, -12] Wow... what has Suzy become because of you ã…¡ã…¡

7. [+112, -7] Scary... that's why you need to keep proof of everything. Almost became trash because of her.

8. [+81, -4] I actually had a hunch when I first watched her video... she was crying with her facial expression first before any tears came down. I knew there was something fishy... She probably would've kept shooting those nude photos if those never got leaked in the first place.

9. [+79, -4] So here's what happened:
- Yang Yewon's nudes were posted on an illegal 19+ site
- She's a part of a popular couple YouTube channel with her boyfriend and they both started getting hate messages over the pictures
- She then posted a petition and named a specific studio claiming to be a victim of sexual harassment (she claimed she was threatened and forced into filming 5 times with them)
- Suzy screenshotted the post and asked for support. The petition initially had 10,000 signatures and it rose to 160,000 after Suzy.
- The studio named in the petition was actually found to have nothing to do with her because they bought it from its previous owners. Said studio is owned by a father of a family. Due to Suzy's post, the father is at risk of losing his entire job because he's been branded as a sex predator.
- Suzy wrote an official apology while the studio declared they would be suing her
- The actual studio claims that there was no rape or anything forced. Unlike Yang Yewon's claims of filming 5 times, they claimed she filmed with them 13 times and Yang Yewon kept asking for more work from them
- Pissed off, the studio CEO released their Katalk conversations which confirmed that Yang Yewon kept asking for more work with them
- Conclusion: Yang Yewon wanted easy money with these nude photoshoots and kept asking for more work. Only now that she's famous and those pictures are getting out is she acting like a victim to recover her image, subsequently ruining the livelihoods of two studios in the process

10. [+73, -2] Wow, so she was totally in on the whole thing ã…‹ she must've thought he wouldn't be able to recover their Katalk conversations

11. [+67, -14] This all happened because she was doing fine making tons of money with her boyfriend through their couple channel and then pictures of a photoshoot that her boyfriend never knew about blew up and people began unsubscribing so she had to come up with something


Source: Nate

1. [+297, -3] She probably didn't think things would get this bad ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ should've just come clean to her boyfriend and admit she took those photos because she was tight on cash... and left it to him to either forgive her or break up. Then it all would've ended quietly. Now the entire nation knows and her nude photos have been spread all over the internet... how is she going to live?? I'd be too embarrassed..

2. [+202, -3] She's going to have to get surgery on her entire face if she wants to show herself in public anymore. Aigoo, embarrassing.

3. [+189, -12] What's Suzy going to do?

4. [+17, -1] She's currently running a YouTube channel with her boyfriend so she obviously tried to come up with the best solution she could to not get dumped by him. She even fooled him into believing that she was a victim all along. She probably thought she was a genius for coming up with this idea until feminazis got a hold of it and kept throwing oil into the flames which spread it across the entire nation. She just wanted a little support from the feminazis to make it sound believable but they went full on support mode which caused all sorts of legal battles to unveil the truth ã…‹ã…‹ I really wonder what she must be thinking in her head right now

5. [+17, -1] This is what happens when you're dumb

6. [+15, -2] For those of you curious about her nudes, don't bother looking them up. You'll barf if you see her butt.

7. [+13, -2] She didn't fool the entire nation, just the feminazis who can't think for themselves ã…‹ã…‹

8. [+12, -2] Suzy ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ I still can't believe how funny Suzy is in all of this ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹


Article: The scandal now turns to whether Suzy has legal responsibility in Yang Yewon's turn of events

Source: Herald Pop via Naver

1. [+253, -103] Sometimes staying quiet gets you the furthest.. I always knew she was dumb when she couldn't even explain a song that she wrote

2. [+92, -12] Please don't watch Yang Yewon's video, it's only going to get her more ad money. I can't believe she still hasn't taken it down.

3. [+60, -10] Her boyfriend must be so mad right now ã…‹ã…‹ totally trusted her but was betrayed. It's obvious he's keeping the video up to make more money off of it.

4. [+53, -12] I honestly think ignorance is a crime. For example, if you saw a sick dog and you wanted to help it so you gave it tylenol and chocolate because you were ignorant and didn't know any better, the dog dying is still your fault. Even if you acted with good intentions, the dog still died. It's the same with Suzy. She never fact checked anything and she thought she was sharing it with good intentions but because of her influence, more people found out about it and in the end, it was the studio that took all the damages. This all came about because of Suzy's ignorance. It's a bit wrong to say she's completely innocent in all of this.

5. [+60, -28] It was wrong of Suzy to make a judgment without hearing both sides of the story. Who does she think she is to be judging an entire issue like that? If the CEO was never able to recover the Katalk conversations and unveil the truth, thus clearing his name, he could've been driven to suicide. Suzy may as well have committed murder.

6. [+13, -1] To all of you calling Suzy a victim, think of what she did wrong. Sure, I get that she shared it with good intentions but you have to admit that she didn't think things through. She used her influence before the truth was ever unveiled. So many people were harmed because she used her influence to hastily support one side. Suzy fans need to stay quiet right now if they want to help her.

7. [+10, -1] Shouldn't Suzy be the one suing Yang Yewon for scamming everyone?

8. [+9, -1] One man's about to lose his business because of her ã…‹


Article: The release of Yang Yewon's Katalks, the point of the scandal isn't 'Suzy'

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+222, -103] Yeah Suzy is besides the point but she still used her influence as a celebrity to basically put a studio owner's livelihood in jeopardy. She needs to take responsibility for that.

2. [+168, -46] Ignorance breeds bravery... I truly believe ignorance is a crime in itself

3. [+158, -47] All this scandal did was prove that Suzy really is that dumb. She's too dumb to even explain her own movie synopsis, she really did it to herself with this one.

4. [+45, -33] Even if she's besides the point, her influence brought immense attention to this issue. I think celebrities need to reflect on the power that they hold and act more responsibly with it.

5. [+24, -9] Would the journalist still be saying this if his livelihood was in jeopardy because of her? Suzy didn't start the fire but she fanned it, and that's a crime too..

6. [+21, -12] No, Suzy is still the issue, and if anything, she's an even bigger issue. She didn't even figure out what was going on before she used her influence as a public figure to basically bankrupt a studio.

7. [+20, -36] Isn't Suzy a victim too, though? Sure her actions brought wrong results but she wanted to help a woman... the results couldn't have been helped by her.

8. [+16, -4] How is saying "oops, I guess I was wrong" going to help anyone?? It's not going to help the studio going into bankruptcy, right???


Article: Yang Yewon's Katalk conversations restored... Suzy in an awkward position

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+2,824, -605] Don't distract from the issue. Suzy was fooled by Yang Yewon's lies just like the rest of us. I'm scared that Suzy is going to feel hurt by all of this when all she wanted to do was help.

2. [+778, -104] Suzy just wanted to help another woman as a fellow woman herself. I don't think it's fair to hate on her for genuine intentions regardless of the truth.

3. [+806, -259] She is why education is so important

4. [+812, -299] Either way, it has been revealed that Yang Yewon 100% lied and that she tried to avoid her consequences with tears. Suzy was also too quick to support her as a public figure, and I admit she was irresponsible for that.

5. [+361, -52] Just stay off of SNS

6. [+417, -284] Suzy has always had a dumb image.. didn't know she was actually that dumb in real life

7. [+104, -55] Don't drag Suzy into this. What responsibility does she have?

8. [+76, -31] Well it isn't the first time Suzy has acted ditzy and dumb ã…‹ã…‹


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