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Sam Hammington's wife apologizes for dog abuse video

Sam Hammington's wife apologizes for dog abuse video

Article: Sam Hammington's wife apologizes for pet abuse "Deeply reflecting over my thoughtless action"

Source: Seoul Econ via Nate

"Living toys~~ introducing our best friends Dumpling and Eggplant~~ they're still in potty training so please don't think it's weird~~"

1. [+495, -14] You don't call your own family member a "toy"

2. [+382, -11] Now that's wrong... everyone, please love your pets as your own~

3. [+373, -18] Either way, she never should've referred to her pets as living toys and I hope that William and the dogs grow up happy and healthy together

4. [+63, -3] I thought it was weird how she let him hit the dog with his sword. Stupidity will always rear its face and it's a shame that she's reliant on her children as income when she's this dumb.

5. [+62, -1] You should potty train your dogs when they're young, who in the world potty trains them this late and does it by hitting them? My dog's 15 years old and he makes mistakes since he's old now...

6. [+51, -1] A living toy? How can someone think think that's not only appropriate to say but funny raise a pet?

7. [+50, -5] As a parent, she should've told her kid not to hit the dog... sigh

8. [+34, -3] I feel like this apology is so fake... I bet they hit the dog on the regular

9. [+34, -1] "Living toy"?????????

10. [+31, -2] I've had my dog for 6 years and I would never dare hit it with my own hand. He may seem like an animal to you but he has a mind of his own and knows what's going on... too many psychopaths in the world


Source: Naver

1. [+5,150, -466] Living toy ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ how ridiculous

2. [+3,751, -390] ... I'm speechless... a toy..?

3. [+3,002, -319] This is wrong ã… ã… 

4. [+2,855, -405] Would she have let any other kid hit her dog like that? She needs to teach her own kid that he's not supposed to be doing that

5. [+2,154, -117] I wonder what those dogs meant to her before she had kids... "living toys"... I've never once thought of those words as my own pets... how disappointing

6. [+1,106, -81] She's been raising them for 13 years, no? And yet she calls them toys? I don't think this is just a mistake, it's finally her true colors showing...

7. [+1,078, -66] It makes me sick that she thinks letting her son hit the dog like that is considered potty "training"... That means she believes it's fine to beat the dog as long as it's in the name of training. Furthermore, her dogs are old, they're 13 years old... Sam Hammington clearly views them as family so I wonder what his wife is thinking in her head...

8. [+1,025, -48] I was horrified at the video. It clearly wasn't the first time William has ever hit the dog. I've always loved William but his family needs to realize that a pretty heart is more important than a pretty face. This is deeply disappointing and his parents should know better than to allow that type of behavior. Instead, they're filming videos of it like it's somehow cute. I'm not even a pet lover myself but I could clearly see in the video that the dog was scared.

9. [+1,006, -46] At 13 years old, the dog is considered elderly... there's no point in training them at that age because they're bound to make mistakes from old age ã… 

10. [+920, -65] They've had the dog for 13 years, it should be considered family by now and yet they call it a "toy"... how is that even possible?


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