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Kim Saeng Min faces insane CF penalty fees after #metoo scandal

Kim Saeng Min faces insane CF penalty fees after #metoo scandal

Article: [Exclusive] 'admit to sexual harassment' Kim Saeng Min, all CFs will be taken down

Source: Sports World via Nate

1. [+2,496, -132] He's going to bankrupt himself having to pay all the penalty fees for these contracts

2. [+2,652, -512] I always hated him though... Imagine having someone so cheap and stingy around you, it's annoying. He hangs out with people so that they buy things for him while he saves his money to live in a nice house... I wouldn't want a friend like that.

3. [+251, -2] I just want to know why Jo Jae Hyun and Kim Ki Duk's scandals have been quietly lately too

4. [+219, -1] He's shot at least 20+ CFs in that time, goes to show how your life can crumble at any minute

5. [+193, -7] Ironic how the true "stupid!" has been calling everyone else stupid all along ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

6. [+157, -4] Doesn't he also have to pay a penalty on all the profit he made from the CFs as well? That's why companies pay celebrities so much for their work initially

7. [+97, -2] His penalty fees are going to be insane... it's going to wipe his savings

8. [+89, -2] Aigoo, he's going to be out on the streets trying to pay all that back... I don't understand how can you have a wife at home and go around groping your own staff...


Article: Kim Saeng Min is in over 20 CFs... penalty fees will be out of this world

Source: SBS funE via Naver

1. [+1,872, -286] If a celebrity like him is this bad... can't imagine how much worse the more popular ones are.. ã…¡ã…¡;; Can we please go after the real criminals..

2. [+1,657, -96] He said that he called the two women in during a karaoke dinner to a separate room and said it was a mistake... how is that a mistake? You can't expect young staff members to be brave enough to say no when a senior like him is calling them privately. One of the victims quit without even getting an apology from him. How did he think it was okay for him to not apologize to her at all? That staff had dreams of her own when she took this job and he ruined it. Sure I feel bad for his family that all this is happening now but he brought it upon himself.

3. [+1,184, -138] Everything's just an image, a concept. All his CFs should file a lawsuit against him. All of the money that he's made and saved so far would've never been his if the public knew that he was a sex offender.

4. [+1,070, -74] You reap what you sow, stupid

5. [+472, -39] Some people are arguing why the women waited 10 years to report this but the better question should be why Kim Saeng Min didn't apologize in those 10 yrars at all ã…‹ã…‹ don't act as if his career is crumbling because of them, he did this to himself. He would've never apologized to his grave if #metoo was never a thing. Ten years had passed and he still never realized that what he did was wrong.


Article: Kim Saeng Min's career hits peak and crumbles in 7 months

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+13,687, -729] His first 'peak' was ruined by his 'peak' (TN: peak = jun sung gi, penis = sung gi)

2. [+10,373, -543] I really never took him for the type ã… ã… 

3. [+7,560, -334] He must've felt so proud to finally see his career taking off these past 7 months

4. [+8,531, -3,259] What a shame..

5. [+4,019, -297] While he was driving a Benz and living in Tower Palace, he was mooching coffees off of his friends to save money. That's not being frugal, that's being annoying and stingy.


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