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TS will be taking legal action against Song Jieun for leaving

TS will be taking legal action against Song Jieun for leaving

Article: [Official] SECRET reps, "Song Jieun gave a one-sided notice of leaving the company... we will be taking legal action" 

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+191, -2] Well f*ck, if she's a singer under your management, you should be giving her work to do. I'd leave too with that kind of lack of care. You guys never do anything for her but only now that she's wanting to leave do you take her to court so you can take all her money while you're at it ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+166, -2] SECRET's practically already disbanded anyway, they're all doing separate things. Their agency needs to move on and let them go. Song Jieun, find strength!

3. [+135, -4] Let her go~

4. [+17, -2] Song Jieun's human too

5. [+16, -0] It's no wonder she'd want to leave. I think it'd be better for her agency's image to just let her go.

6. [+15, -2] What a mess

7. [+14, -0] She never would be leaving if you guys managed her properly. This isn't the first time with this agency.

8. [+14, -1] Well do you guys pay her in the time that you're not giving her work? I can understand her just up and leaving being a problem if you've been paying her but if you're holding on to her without getting her any promo work, you're basically just asking her to sit there and starve, no????

9. [+12, -0] I thought SECRET was already disbanded... it's been years since their last song...

10. [+10, -0] Even Han Sunhwa has left, what's there to hold on to??? Just let the members leave and do what they want ã…¡ã…¡


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