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Model Han Hyun Min reveals his report card

Model Han Hyun Min reveals his report card

Article: 'Stranger' Han Hyun Min reveals his report card "ranked 170 out of 172"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+748, -21] He may be ranked 170/172 but at least he's doing well for himself, getting to be on Korean TV and all. I bet he's doing way better than whoever's ranked #3 in his class.

2. [+557, -33] Thank goodness he's a model

3. [+390, -63] I'm speechless at how terrible that is...

4. [+43, -2] Hyun Min-ah, a man needs to at least have his basics down so that other men can't put you down when you're older. Even if you hate studying, at least pick up a book sometimes. The dumber you are, the more others will try to use that against you.

5. [+36, -2] Being good at at least one thing is better than nothing

6. [+34, -7] Imagine if he was short... his life would be in big trouble right now

7. [+33, -1] I bet you he's making more money than his valedictorian right now

8. [+29, -1] He'd be getting so much hate for this if he was a female idol... People are only giving him a pass now because he has a modeling career but it's sad that female idols aren't given the same leniency.

9. [+28, -6] As long as he's good at his job, who cares about anything else? People can't excel at everything. As long as he's a good person.

10. [+26, -1] So what if he's bad at school? Imagine if all the celebrities and models in the world were as studious as Kim Tae Hee? The world would be so unfair to live in. I bet some of you would even call high school dropouts like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs "dumb" ã…‹ã…‹

11. [+24, -4] I wonder who the last two behind him are... are their brains even capable of holding normal conversations?

12. [+17, -0] What's the point of studying and going to college? To get a high paying job. He already has a high paying job so he doesn't need to worry about that.

13. [+16, -2] He's a model and has no time to be studying like full time athletes. Not like he probably plans on going to college and he's already out there in the work force so his grades are a moot point right now.


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