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Kim Heechul reveals his ideal type has been Sohee all through 10 years

Kim Heechul reveals his ideal type has been Sohee all through 10 years

Article: 'Knowing Bros' Kim Heechul's ideal type for 10 years is Ahn Sohee

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+1,112, -80] Why is Boom on this show?

2. [+933, -395] It's been 10 years since Sohee's been in this industry and yet she's just as non-responsive as ever. At least give some reactions to what people say.

3. [+680, -46] She does seem more at peace with herself now that she's pursuing what she's always wanted to

4. [+100, -2] I remember when WG was on a radio show a long time ago, an MC asked her what her ideal type was and she said "a man who smiles brightly". Kim Gura fired back "then why don't you smile ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ how do you expect men to smile for you when you don't smile yourself ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹"

5. [+76, -8] Really goes to show that no one can predict the future. Sohee's popularity was a wall when she was in WG but now she's being forgotten more and more while Sunmi, the member with the least presence, is blowing up now. I noticed that it's always the members who blow up later than early on who do better for longer.

6. [+75, -12] Amazing that Kim Heechul really has had only one ideal type for 10 years ã…‹ã…‹ I'd be so happy if I were her

7. [+67, -24] It has to be rare to find someone as untalented as Sohee..;;

8. [+61, -11] He really must like her. He used to call her his oasis in the difficult industry.

9. [+51, -10] She's already 11 years into her debut? She's 27 years old and still looks good in a school uniform. She looks the same since debut, just a bit more mature is all.

10. [+45, -10] He really is a true fan. I don't see anything wrong with them ever dating. Sohee's so quiet and introverted that a humorous man like Kim Heechul might be the right fit for her.


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