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Sunmi reveals the heartbreaking story behind her father's death for the first time

Sunmi reveals the heartbreaking story behind her father's death for the first time

Article: "Dad...." 'Talkmon' Sunmi reveals her heartbreaking family story for the first time 'tears'

Source: OSEN via Nate

Sunmi "I didn't want to tell this story. The reason I decided to become a celebrity was because of my father. When I was in 5th grade, I lived with my two little brothers and my father, just the four of us. My father was sick, though, and he kept getting worse. He had to keep an oxygen tank at home before being moved to the hospital because of his worsening condition. It was tough on us financially since I was the oldest and my father was unable to move. I wondered what I could do to help. My teachers suggested that I become a teacher too but I knew that would take 10 years of study. How could I make money in that time?

So I decided to become a celebrity. Younger me thought that it was the fastest way to make money, and it was during a time when BoA sunbaenim was promoting and I wanted to become like her. So I got on a bus to go to auditions. When I was 14, I passed JYP and became a trainee. I had to leave my brothers to look after our father since I had to live in Seoul to train. They were 12 and 10 years old then.

My father adored and depended on me and also complained a lot (about being away). I always responded to his messages but trainee life was difficult. It was hard to handle at my age. One day he texted me, 'Dad is leaving first'. I thought he was texting me to complain again because things were tough so I never replied to the text. Then he passed away the next day.

He passed away three months before my debut. His dream was to become a singer too. When I went back home for his funeral, my brothers were leading it. There was a letter he had written for me and at the very end, he wrote, 'Please be born as my daughter again in our next life.' It still remains with me today that I never responded back to him. I was always cautious to tell this story because I now live with my brothers and the families of my father and mother."


1. [+1,071, -22] Can't believe he passed away the day after sending her that text... ah... how her heart must've broke ã… ã… 

2. [+1,062, -24] People may look happy on the inside but you'll never know what they've endured on the inside.. living life is just so hard sometimes..

3. [+832, -33] I remember hearing about this. Sunmi's from Kyungjoo so I heard around town that her family was in a tough spot when she first debuted... but didn't know it was this bad. As someone from her hometown, I'm really proud of her and happy to see that she's doing well as a solo!

4. [+147, -2] Sunye's family story is pretty bad too... which is why I could understand why she would want to get married at the age of 23... Sunye just needed a family. Her story's one that you can't listen to without tears either.

5. [+123, -6] What a tough thing to endure at a young age.. I'm sure her father is watching over her proudly from heaven.

6. [+111, -1] Looks like her mother was living separately and came back with her step father then...

7. [+108, -2] Those last two texts break my heart ã… ã… 

8. [+99, -0] Sunmi's family story doesn't actually end there though... After she debuted and started making money, her relatives... well, it's a sad story for her so I'm sure you'll understand what happened if I end it there. She's amazing... ever since I found out her story, her smiles have always looked so sad to me.

9. [+78, -4] So sad to hear that something so dark hides behind the flashy lights of celebrity life. I'm sure she must want more than anything to show her father her success now... I bet she misses him so.

10. [+65, -9] Where was her mother all this time and why is she only back now with a new man? Did she only come back because Sunmi's making money? That mother is weird..


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