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Rotta responds to #metoo accusation "it wasn't a problem at the time"

Rotta responds to #metoo accusation "it wasn't a problem at the time"

Article: Victim "I was sexually harassed" vs Rotta "She didn't say it was a problem at the time"

Source: Sports Donga via Naver

1. [+3,676, -98] The classic response they all give: "didn't you enjoy it too?", "why are you only saying this now? why didn't you say anything sooner?" ã…Žã…Ž the perfect way to make the victim look like a kkot-baem

2. [+2,937, -46] Rotta is seriously disgusting. He totally tried to abuse his power by using her nudes against her... he's horrible.

3. [+2,068, -23] Hul, these #metoos are coming out from every industry!!

4. [+595, -8] I knew he'd get caught one day. I always thought his pictures were perverted even though he kept acting like his loli concepts were "art". I always questioned why he cast such pretty models and made them pose in such perverted ways.

5. [+510, -12] I'll admit your pictures as "art" if you take your own daughter and photograph her in the same way. Isn't it weird how he threatened to sue when people told him to photograph his daughter like that? If it's just "art", then why'd he get so mad?

6. [+485, -7] His lolita concepts have always been weird. Any picture of his instantly puts me in a weird mood. It's no different from promoting pedophilia.

7. [+443, -4] Well his name itself means pedo, it's disgusting that Korea has allowed him to work for so long and get away with it. It's extremely dangerous for him to be photographing adults like they're minors and trying to express them in sexual ways. Makes me scared to even have a daughter in a society like that.

8. [+369, -8] Just because the victim never brought it up as a problem with you doesn't mean that what you did to her was justified;;;

9. [+331, -3] What do you expect from someone who calls his porn "art" ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

10. [+300, -1] The victim specifically said "I asked him to delete (the nudes) but he said they were too pretty and that he couldn't. I was scared of not being able to do anything if he ever released them." If a model asks a photographer to delete her photos, he needs to delete them. Art or not, his work no longer is eligible to be considered art if the model doesn't want it.

11. [+274, -5] Obviously she was scared to say anything at the time because he had her nudes and she was scared over what he was going to do with them

12. [+269, -1] In situations like this, it's usually too late when the model realizes that she didn't want to comply with what happened on set. The feeling sets in but you end up going with the flow because you're not sure what's going on in the moment. We all have those moments where we're like, "Damn, I wish I said something" once it's all over...


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