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Lee Jae Jin clarifies that going Dutch was organized by his fans without his knowing

Lee Jae Jin clarifies that going Dutch was organized by his fans without his knowing

Article: "Dutch pay was wanted by the fans"... Lee Jae Jin clarifies fan meeting controversy

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+1,413, -109] If this is true, then I don't see where any of it is Lee Jae Jin's fault??

2. [+1,256, -97] It's true that he's unlikeable with the way he acts on TV but if what this Chinese fan clarified is true, then he's not really in the wrong in this one

3. [+1,199, -103] It was quite scary watching a witch hunt go down live... the fault belongs to the initial journalist who wrote the article after hearing only one side of the story

4. [+111, -4] Apparently he didn't even know they were going Dutch... the whole problem was with the organizer of the fan meet not clarifying everything. He's had free fan meets for years and has been known to buy his fans things like Dom Perignon champagne, it made no sense to begin with that he would ask them to go Dutch this one time

5. [+101, -5] The fancafe admin clarified that Lee Jae Jin didn't know they were going to go Dutch until news of this controversy went out in the media... so easy to make one person the fool

6. [+86, -5] People are always slow to react to clarification articles... they only care about the initial fun of beating someone around. The journalist who first wrote that article sucks.

7. [+74, -8] As always, people gripping their keyboards after hearing only one side of the story and going "oh, it's not true? then whatever~" after the truth comes out. Until when are you guys going to kill people with your words?

8. [+66, -3] So many people were tricked by that one fan account


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