Baekhyun apologizes for the sasaeng's number
Baekhyun apologizes for the sasaeng's number
Article: EXO Baekhyun eventually apologizes for revealing the number "My mistake, I hope no one was affected"
Source: TV Daily via Nate
1. [+257, -37] Sasaengs aren't even fans, why do they live like that
2. [+221, -33] Sasaengs = stalkers
3. [+210, -51] Imagine how tortured Baekhyun must've been over the sasaeng... karma's going to handle all of them, I certainly hope so. It's been so tough on Baekhyun and all of EXO.
4. [+34, -7] He's basically been suffering from stalkers for seven years. Seven years without any privacy, how much longer is SM going to let this go on?
5. [+31, -7] But the reason Baekhyun is getting criticism is not because he called out the sasaeng but because he caused other people to be affected by his action. Even foreigners terrorized that person's Kakao Talk. Imagine being the person on the receiving end of that, it's not an issue of sasaengs.
Source: Naver
1. [+405, -27] A disgusting world where a victim has to issue an apology~~ ã…‹ã…‹
2. [+357, -24] People are really going in on this guy, aren't they ã…‹ã…‹ it's not even a big deal but people made a big deal out of it
3. [+334, -26] Think about it, if you were a sasaeng and you got caught and people were texting you and calling you about it, would you be like, "Yeah, I'm that sasaeng"?
4. [+124, -10] A world where a victim has to apologize ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ I hope all of you who defended sasaengs get a boomerang back
5. [+120, -9] Celebrities are human too
6. [+112, -10] I seriously don't get a situation where a victim has to apologize ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
7. [+104, -10] What is this craziness where a victim apologies and the attacker gets defended? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
8. [+100, -9] So do people just expect celebrities to not have any privacy and just take everything that's being thrown at them?
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