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miss A also falls victim to the '7 year curse'

miss A also falls victim to the '7 year curse'

Article: miss A, unable to overcome 'Suzy and the Kids' limit... separate ways in the end

Source: Donga Ilbo via Nate

1. [+1,235, -114] Poor Suzy for having had to share her income with the rest. I doubt they were grateful at all for it. Wishing Suzy even more success from here on out.

2. [+988, -88] No more of Suzy suffering on her own, I hope she's happy

3. [+986, -146] It all came down to their inferiority complex. They could've just shut up and known their place while Suzy was making them all that money but they're young and naive and instead of feeling grateful for it, they thought they could do better. Sometimes the wisest is the one who knows when they've lucked out.

4. [+109, -9] Still not sure why they bullied Suzy for them not being as popular as her ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

5. [+103, -9] Suzy had to divide her income not only with her agency but with the members. Instead of feeling grateful, they took their jealousy out on her... I always knew this group was 100% headed for disbandment once their contracts expired.

6. [+100, -5] Seriously, what was with Min though? Park Jin Young lauded her as his hidden ace when she's average in singing, dancing, and looks.

7. [+78, -8] The true main vocal was Suzy, the rest really rode on her coattails

8. [+68, -7] Have to admit Suzy was the best singer in the group

9. [+39, -9] You people are so cruel... maybe they disbanded because they envisioned different future themselves? Why make up all these stories

10. [+33, -9] People are so cruel ã…‹ã…‹ I'm sure the other members worked hard, not just Suzy. We all know that being a celebrity isn't all just about working hard... wouldn't you want to quit too if everyone on the internet was always assuming that you were getting a free ride from Suzy and not putting in any work yourself? What did the other members do so wrong to deserve this? Since when was being less popular than Suzy a sin? Just support everyone with a fighting and move on. Why does there always have to be a good and bad side? To the members.... I support you. As long as you're working towards your dreams, no one deserves to hate on you for it. Don't let the comments get to you.


Article: An unfortunate disbandment for miss A but a brighter future awaits

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+3,875, -149] The only one with a bright future is Suzy

2. [+3,422, -289] I first assumed Suzy was the visual of the group but she's actually the visual + vocal... she worked hard all on her own ㅠ they truly were Suzy and the kids ㅜㅜ

3. [+2,499, -100] They never promoted together after 2015... and Suzy was way above and beyond since her debut. A pity because they had great songs... JYP's great at producing idols but sucks at maintaining them...

4. [+1,646, -141] The rest of them are set for retirement other than Suzy...

5. [+1,296, -88] Better for Suzy in the end

6. [+484, -38] It was a Suzy one man show from the start. JYP tried to get the other members going with variety shows but only Fei did well. The others did have opportunities, just that Suzy outshined them.

7. [+440, -30] Suzy barely had any parts when they debuted but she kept practicing with her acting, CFs, varieties, and vocal lessons and she ended up singing the entire song for their last promo ã…‹ã…‹

8. [+367, -39] I like Suzy for always putting in effort without being complacent

9. [+346, -34] Suzy's still so young, she has plenty more peaks to hit

10. [+299, -22] 2NE1 and miss A had the most impactful debuts


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