Leeteuk remembers Jonghyun in his dreams
Leeteuk remembers Jonghyun in his dreams
Article: Jonghyun visits Leeteuk in his dramas with a last message "Hyung, you have to be happier"
Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate
1. [+793, -34] Leeteuk... even after losing his father and his grandparents, his own close dongsaeng... You can't make it this far without a strong mentality like his. Find strength, everyone...
2. [+639, -26] Leeteuk has gone through so many hardships of his own... find strength and be happy!!!
3. [+544, -26] So many are supporting you and hoping you find strength
4. [+33, -4] He's lived such a difficult life already... such is life... those who've passed on must rest in peace while those who are alive must find the strength to continue living...
5. [+32, -3] I'm worried for all of SM but especially Leeteuk's mental health... he lost his father and his grandparents while in the army and now again..
6. [+26, -4] First his father and grandparents passing away, then all the scandals his members have caused, now he's even lost a dongsaeng he loved dearly... you'd expect his mental health to have crumbled by now but he's holding on. SuJu is doing as well as they are now because of Leeteuk holding on.
7. [+23, -5] In the movie 'Along with the Gods', they say that the person you miss the most will appear in your dreams, and whether that's true or a lie, I can relate to it now. Jonghyun-ssi, be happy where you are.
8. [+18, -1] Really proud that Leeteuk has made it this far without any drastic decisions on his end. His entire family history has been news fodder all his life... I'm proud of him. Find strength.
9. [+17, -3] So proud of him for being as positive as he is despite all he's been through
10. [+12, -1] I was concerned for Leeteuk as well... he used to be so fun and witty but after what happened with his father, he began to look so dark ㅠ even in the SuJu episode of 'Weekly Idol', he looked like he was spacing out, barely fitting in... Glad that he's made it this far, even if it's baby steps ㅠ
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