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Beenzino and Stefanie Michova visit a raccoon cafe on his army break

Beenzino and Stefanie Michova visit a raccoon cafe on his army break

Article: Beenzino ♥ Stefanie Michova's cute break

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+488, -47] Poor raccoons.. they should be living in the wild but instead they're trapped in a cafe, imagine all the stress... and who's going to take care of these raccoons once the cafes go out of business.. ㅜㅜ

2. [+421, -20] I feel bad for the raccoons in these cafes... they really should get rid of these cafes. Trapping these raccoons and touching them like this, what were they thinking ã… ã… 

3. [+380, -26] I feel bad for the raccoons that they have to live on that cement floor... I want to put something soft down for the...

4. [+27, -1] Koreans don't seem to realize that our pet cafes like cat cafes and other wild animal cafes is animal abuse ã… ã…  foreigners would be horrified if they knew

5. [+26, -1] There's this padding jacket that I've been in love with that I can't buy because the hat is made out of raccoon fur... If I didn't know how these jackets were produced, I'd just buy it and wear it but after seeing a picture of raccoons skinned alive and thrown on a pile with other dead raccoons... made me give up animal fur altogether;;

6. [+20, -20] The best comments are hypocritical. So you feel bad for the raccoons in these cafes but you don't care about the mice, dogs, and monkeys being killed to test your cosmetics? I bet the people who wrote the best comments are sitting at home using products tested on animals ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

7. [+17, -1] But who took these pictures for them ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

8. [+16, -3] Looking at these, I just think that I feel so bad for the raccoons...

9. [+16, -1] What're they doing! These cafes should be put out of business

10. [+15, -5] This is animal abuse... locking them up in a cafe to use them for money like this ã…¡ã…¡


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