Yoon Shi Yoon struggles to understand a man's love and relationship with a doll
Yoon Shi Yoon struggles to understand a man's love and relationship with a doll
Article: 'Big Question' A Japanese man's ideal type is a doll? Yoon Shi Yoon struggles to manage his reaction
Source: TV Report via Nate
TV show is about discovering the different types of relationships around the world and featured a Japanese man who claimed his doll was his girlfriend. Yoon Shi Yoon: "Honestly, it felt eerie. But I obviously couldn't let that show. I'm not sure if the camera picked up on it but the doll wasn't just a cute doll but one that looked like an actual human so it was quite scary. It was difficult for me to manage my reaction at first."
1. [+413, -21] After seeing that ajusshi... I actually feel bad for that doll
2. [+390, -21] I bet we'll see men like this in our own country in a few years. Quite terrifying ㅜ
3. [+352, -12] "Doll" ã…‹ã…‹ let's be real, that's a sex doll
4. [+65, -6] But it's not like that man's committing a crime... he loves his doll and it makes him happy, there's no reason to put him down for that ã… ã… I think it's a lot better than men who buy mail-order brides or purchase prostitutes...
5. [+51, -2] Our country has a hobby culture of BJD collectors who consider the dolls as their own children and call buying them 'adopting'. I once saw them hold a meet up at a park and I was scared.
6. [+37, -2] I live in Tokyo and I've never seen anyone carrying one of these dolls around... so obviously they know that this is embarrassing since they aren't seen in public with them, right? One time I saw some loser guy on a date with a girl dressed like a doll and I asked my Japanese friend and they were like, "He's paying her to go on a date with him."
7. [+36, -1] Better than soliciting prostitution
8. [+29, -2] None of our business if it doesn't affect anyone else
9. [+21, -4] Don't be scared, guys ã…‹ this is going to be Korea in a few years too ã…‹
10. [+20, -0] The man was apart from his family for so long that his loneliness manifested into giving affection to inanimate objects. Remember in 'Castaway' with the volleyball Wilson? Same thing. I don't find this funny at all, I just feel bad for him. You have to wonder how crippling loneliness can be.
11. [+16, -0] I'd get goosebumps being in a dark room at night with a doll like that
12. [+16, -0] Didn't we have someone in our own country who tried to marry a pillow...
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