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Police won't be investigating Choi Siwon's dog scandal + dog's fate to be left to his family

Police won't be investigating Choi Siwon's dog scandal + dog's fate to be left to his family

Article: [Exclusive] Hanilkwan CEO was bitten by the same dog last year

Source: Han via Nate

1. [+4,219, -49] At this point, it's quite clear that the CEO and her family are saints for putting up with him. I can't bear to see this.

2. [+3,367, -109] Put the dog down. Once a dog has bitten a human, it'll never stop.

3. [+3,350, -41] Sigh... I have nothing more to say, just tired of even writing hate anymore..

4. [+199, -2] Choi Siwon had his own nose bitten, Leeteuk was bitten, security were bitten, the CEO was bitten twice... and yet they still let the dog out around the apartment unleashed. What were they thinking? Why isn't the family taking legal action?

5. [+164, -1] This is so bad, I;m speechless

6. [+149, -3] Amazing. All because of this f*cker, all of the dog owners in Korea right now are scared of going outside. So sick of seeing both Choi Siwon and that ugly dog.

7. [+118, -3] The family needs to stop being so understanding and start demanding that Choi Siwon take responsibility

8. [+103, -2] So she was bitten twice? Wow... I'm surprised her family decided to forgive them...


Article: Police reps on Choi Siwon's dog scandal, "We can't proceed with investigations, her cause of death concluded to be death from disease"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+469, -26] Huh??? But she would've never died in the first place if she was never bitten by that dog

2. [+445, -4] Do you really believe Choi Siwon's family reflected when even after the dog bit someone they still took him out unleashed? They have no right to keep the dog when they were negligent about this whole thing. Now all the dog owners who have always walked their dogs leashed are being shot glares in public.

3. [+383, -14] But would she have been bitten if the dog was leashed??? SM is really starting to show their YG colors ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

4. [+26, -1] Choi Siwon better move if he's going to keep that dog. Move far out into the countryside with a house of his own and a big lawn. He's rich enough to do it. It's the most he can do for his neighbors.

5. [+25, -4] It's so explicitly obvious that the CEO died because of the dog, the fact that they're just saying she died from a disease... I'm sure Choi Siwon's family is happy over this decision but this is going to follow them for the rest of their life. I think it'd be better for them to just deal with the consequences now and move on from it.


Article: Family of deceased Hanilkwan CEO, "In regards to what should happen to Choi Siwon's dog, we'll leave it to their conscience to decide"

Source: Sports Seoul via Nate

1. [+2,124, -90] I don't think putting the dog will solve anything. Owners like him will just get another dog and keep it unleashed ã…¡ã…¡ full responsibility should go to the owner, not the dog.

2. [+1,744, -103] If they're leaving the fate of this murderer dog up to its owners, then I guess we'll see Bugsy running around his neighborhood again, looking for his next target... America is a pet paradise and even they put down dogs like him or keep him separate from everyone. Seems it's actually Korea that's the pet paradise than America.

3. [+1,556, -49] What more needs to be said about a dog that bites his own owner tsk tsk tsk

4. [+111, -5] If they had the conscience to put the dog down, they never would've thrown a birthday party for him. I bet you they're just going to keep the dog as quietly as possible. Maybe they'll leash or muzzle him but they're definitely not going to put him down.

5. [+90, -1] They also own a shopping mall with that dog as a character. I really have no idea what they plan on doing with the dog.

6. [+81, -5] The sister of the CEO keeps giving all these interviews. I'm sure the son of the CEO is old enough to give his own statements so why is he staying quiet?? Sure the sister went from co-CEO to owning the whole restaurant to herself so she has nothing to lose and is playing the whole "I'll be the better person and forgive everyone" act but is the son really going to stay quiet?? How can you forgive him when your own mother died??? I have no idea what's going on with this family.

7. [+52, -1] Can you imagine the torture of having to listen to that dog next door all the time when your family member died to it?

8. [+36, -2] Saying that they'll leave it up to the dog's family to decide is basically saying "put the dog down if you have any shame at all". It'd be shameless of them to keep the dog alive when the dog is the reason for death and it's going to be obvious that they're being greedy for wanting to keep their dog brand business alive too.


Article: Choi Siwon won't be attending Super Junior's Japanese fan meet

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+781, -28] So many pet owners are being glared at because of you right now. What is even going on in your head? Do you really not care what happens to others as long as you yourself is comfortable?

2. [+723, -25] Apologize to all of the pet owners in the country. All because of you, they're all getting lumped into the same category as you. Pet owners who've always followed the rules with leashes and manners are now scared to walk their dogs because of all the glares.

3. [+583, -15] It'd be best for him to just drop out of these promos

4. [+84, -1] I wonder how the security who was bitten is doing. He was probably too scared to even complain about it in case he gets fired. Did you ever apologize to that man??

5. [+42, -0] Leave the group

6. [+38, -0] Amazing to think that the dog is still alive and living in that apartment. And since there's no lawsuit or investigation, the dog is just running around that house, eating well.

7. [+37, -0] That nice image on TV was all just a lie

8. [+28, -0] Shouldn't he be doing something about the dog? Either put it down or send it in for proper training? Well I hope he never posts about the dog on SNS again. And he should start by dropping out of his current drama.


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