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2PM's Junho expresses the sorrows of losing a pet through 'Fine'

2PM's Junho expresses the sorrows of losing a pet through 'Fine'

Article: "I won't be able to see you again"... 2PM Junho's heartbreaking tribute song for pet cat 'FINE'

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+1,978, -25] So sad... anyone who has raised a pet and had to let it go knows how this feels...

2. [+1,536, -24] ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm sure Lambo's doing fine ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

3. [+1,404, -20] ã… ã… ã… ã… ã…  Really feels like letting a family member go ã… ã… 

4. [+1,091, -21] Lambo's in a better place ã… ã… 

5. [+1,036, -14] Junho keeps posting pictures of Lambo on Instagram lately, he really must miss him a lot ㅜㅜㅜ

6. [+226, -6] It's a type of pain that someone who's never had a pet before will never know what it feels like~~~ ㅜㅜ

7. [+188, -2] Just looking at the pictures makes me sad ã… ã…  I'm going to give my puppy and cat all the love in the world... the sadness of losing a pet can only be felt by those who've truly loved one

8. [+175, -6] I'm not a fan so I don't know much about his pet but he really must've loved him if he even wrote a song about him..

9. [+153, -4] Lambo's probably playing with his cat friends on the star of cats. Probably even getting along with my own cat up there.

10. [+146, -3] ã…  Rest well, Lambo. Thank you to Junho for releasing a song like this as well.


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