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SNSD edited out of 'DMZ Concert'?

SNSD edited out of 'DMZ Concert'?

Article: 'DMZ Concert' K-POP stars perform in celebration of the 72nd anniversary of liberation day

Source: Herald Pop via Naver

1. [+1,954, -121] They promoted the concert using SNSD and then edited them out of the final recording, are you serious?

2. [+1,714, -113] Why bother inviting SNSD if you're going to edit them out? They even traveled from Sangnam to Paju just to attend the rehearsals

3. [+1,620, -110] Used SNSD for all the promotions only to edit them out

4. [+1,510, -111] Why was SNSD edited out?

5. [+1,399, -95] Please explain why SNSD was edited out

6. [+480, -40] Where did SNSD go? I waited through the entire thing because they were supposed to be on..

7. [+447, -34] Why bother inviting them? SNSD had to run around from music show to the DMZ rehearsal, what a waste of energy

8. [+451, -40] What was the point of editing them out after using them for all the promotions? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Explain this

9. [+434, -39] SNSD attended the rehearsal and everything only to get completely edited out ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ this is a joke, right?


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