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SBS turns down Kim Eun Sook's drama due to high expense per episode

SBS turns down Kim Eun Sook's drama due to high expense per episode

Article: [Exclusive] "We can't pay you 1.5 billion won per episode" The reason SBS gave up on Kim Eun Sook's 'Sunshine'

Source: Yonhap News via Naver

1. [+3,379, -63] 1.5 billion won per episode ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ that's insane

2. [+2,296, -122] I wonder if they passed on the drama because the male lead is bad

3. [+2,163, -42] We really need to adjust the pay these celebrities are getting

4. [+239, -3] Why would you ever need 1.5 billion won per episode? How much is Lee Byung Hun being paid per episode, 500 million won? These stars are paid way too much

5. [+208, -1] More surprised that the production expenses for 'Blue Sea' was that high too..

6. [+185, -6] If this drama flops, SBS is going to be glad they passed on it...

7. [+173, -6] Apparently that scene in 'Goblin' where they're on a boat that gets crushed cost hundreds of millions of won... The scene didn't even look like it should cost that much to me. Seems dramas just spend money for the sake of spending it.

8. [+137, -5] 1.5 billion won an episode ã…‹ã…‹ money that the average man couldn't save in an entire lifetime ã…‹


Source: Naver

1. [+4,187, -216] This drama is just all sorts of wrong from Lee Byung Hun acting with a co-star young enough to be his daughter..

2. [+2,396, -47] Amazing... so easy to just call the costs like that

3. [+3,405, -387] SBS already suffered failure with 'Blue Sea'

4. [+2,139, -148] Won't be watching anyway

5. [+1,424, -49] Hul daebak! 1.5 billion won!!!!

6. [+905, -36] Kim Eun Sook has really lost her roots... doesn't listen to her viewers, casts whoever she feels like... ㅜ

7. [+820, -16] They wouldn't have to be spending 1.5 billion won if they just swapped out Lee Byung Hun for another younger actor, and they'd get better viewer ratings too

8. [+800, -24] Take out Lee Byung Hun, he's too expensive. They can spend that money on other things.


Article: SBS passes on Kim Eun Sook's next drama, is tvN a possibility?

Source: Herald Econ via Nate

1. [+777, -77] I think the viewer ratings are going to tank anyway

2. [+657, -50] I think SBS is just using the expenses as an excuse. They probably asked for her to switch out Lee Byung Hun but she refused so they turned her down. tvN will probably take her since they profited off of 'Goblin'

3. [+605, -18] Get ready for a ton of random ads and PPL!!!!

4. [+53, -3] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Who would watch this though.......... whose heart is going to flutter over Lee Byung Hun ã…‹ã…‹ the fun of watching dramas is getting all excited and heart fluttery over the lead ã…‹

5. [+39, -0] tvN's under CJ. They're rich enough to take her.


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