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AOA celebrates their 5th anniversary as a 6 member group

AOA celebrates their 5th anniversary as a 6 member group

Article: AOA celebrates 5th anniversary after revamp as 6 members... "So happy"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+226, -15] Why do I feel bad for them hearing them say that they're "so happy" ㅜㅜ

2. [+284, -76] Gotta be hard to find a girl group that isn't as close as they are

3. [+103, -26] The fact that Choa left means she already saw the group coming to an end

4. [+75, -17] They're going to go their separate ways once their contract expires in two years anyway

5. [+28, -7] But can they ~*~make it without Choa~*~?!

6. [+5, -0] Better off without the b*tch who ruins teamwork ^^

7. [+2, -0] Choa has won love

8. [+2, -1] Congratulations on your 5th anniversary!!!


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