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Yoo Ah In given exemption from the army

Yoo Ah In given exemption from the army

Article: [Exclusive] Yoo Ah In confirmed army exemption... osteosarcoma contains to grow

Source: Naver

1. [+2,761, -554] It's so rare to find any non-celebrity who gets into public service, let alone an exemption, and yet celebrities get them handed to them like it's so common

2. [+2,703, -535] Yoo Ah In is not getting hate because he got an exemption even though he's sick... it's because of all the things he said in the past and the fact that he postponed his service until 31 years old

3. [+2,513, -512] He tried to act all woke all the time about politics and issues but he won't serve in the army ^o^

4. [+2,405, -518] He knew he could postpone his service until 31 so he could get an exemption for this

5. [+1,158, -138] He's dead if he tries to say he'll pay this back with good acting

6. [+1,106, -138] Just for reference, Kyuhyun is serving in public service even though he had a near-death experience...

7. [+1,109, -164] This will follow him for the rest of his career. He always acted woke, always talked about how the army was a service every Korean man must do, how he'd serve right after 'Veteran', and now he's exempt... Don't try and fool us like that

8. [+991, -155] He postponed it so much over his movies and dramas and this is how it ends... disappointing

10. [+830, -116] Surely his disease isn't bad enough to where he can't serve at all?


Source: Nate

1. [+372, -99] If it's this bad, he shouldn't do any action scenes anymore.. or any varieties

2. [+307, -163] All this ba$tard is is words over actions

3. [+303, -115] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ You know we all expected this, right?

4. [+51, -11] This was expected. So many people who act woke end up with exemptions.

5. [+48, -10] His shoulder's that crushed and he still hasn't gotten surgery? Why?

6. [+35, -21] I know people who've had five surgeries over osteosarcoma, it's no joke... anyone who's hating on him for that should feel the pain

7. [+34, -21] Would all of you still be hating if your own son or dongsaeng got an exemption because his shoulder is this bad?

8. [+30, -22] Osteosarcoma is a cancer of the bone and he stands at risk of losing his bone completely if it gets worse... please refrain from hating on him needlessly

9. [+27, -14] He talked about serving all the time while postponing to 32 years old. Shot all those action scenes but now he's too weak to serve... Funny how he always act so woke and criticized the government when he himself can't even uphold his one duty to the country ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ disgusting to think that he'll go on to shoot another movie or drama with action scenes ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

10. [+24, -9] What's up with these comments when the army is refusing him because he's too sick? It's not like Steven Yoo where he literally ran away to evade service... Yoo Ah in got re-tested 5 times, he didn't run away. The army is outright refusing to take him in. And why blame him for doing action scenes when he's sick? That's his personal choice if he wants to withstand that pain off of meds.


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