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Kim Soo Hyun reps explain why he cried at the screening

Kim Soo Hyun reps explain why he cried at the screening

Article: Sulli updates SNS even amidst negative reviews of 'Real'... meanwhile Kim Soo Hyun is 'crying'

Source: Herald Econ via Nate

1. [+1,630, -48] There's no reason for her to stop updating even if Kim Soo Hyun is balling his eyes out

2. [+1,249, -44] I would blame the director for Real's failure more than Sulli... to only be able to do this little with a cast like Kim Soo Hyun and Sung Dong Il... it's a hard combination to fail with.

3. [+1,114, -242] She has no idea about anything that's going on. She needs to stop proving to us that she has no brain inside her head.

4. [+90, -4] Why should Sulli quit SNS just because Kim Soo Hyun is crying over a movie that he decided to produce with a relative that he had a part in ultimately failing?

5. [+81, -10] Wouldn't Sulli be considered the victim? She was shooting the movie just fine until Kim Soo Hyun changed the director to a relative and then media played the crap out of the movie using her bed scene.

6. [+71, -17] Why blame Sulli for the movie failing? It's Kim Soo Hyun's responsibility for making his relative the director without considering actual talent. Sulli would be the victim here... She quit her singing career and this marks her first movie but all she got out of it was a nude scene... Kim Soo Hyun pretty much messed up her acting career. They knew that the movie was a mess and had to use Sulli's nude scene to promote it. Now that Kim Soo Hyun looks set for failure with this movie, they're turning all the criticism towards Sulli.

7. [+28, -12] I know she has a negative image but I feel like Sulli is shouldering more blame than she deserves. All of Kim Soo Hyun's articles are talking as if the movie not doing well is her fault but why should Sulli shoulder the blame when she's not the lead actor ã…‹ã…‹ so she can't post selcas if Kim Soo Hyun's crying? I don't know if it's Kim Soo Hyun's fans who are doing this or Sulli's antis but it feels like they're shifting blame now

8. [+27, -2] Sulli has nothing to do with Kim Soo Hyun crying. He cried because the movie's a mess. The movie had everything going for itself with Kim Soo Hyun as lead. Sulli did more than enough for her job with the bed scene alone. Look at the past few days... every article about the movie has been about her bed scene. If anything, she's doing more for the movie than anyone else with that alone.


Article: 'Real' Kim Soo Hyun, why did he cry at the VIP screening?

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+653, -17] I watched the movie. Nevermind Sulli, the movie's so bad that it would turn any hardcore Kim Soo Hyun fan into an anti. That's how bad it is.

2. [+615, -12] He knew the movie was a flop ã… ã… ... director-nim, please don't cast good actors for bad movies like this again...

3. [+607, -104] Wouldn't you cry too if a movie you struggled to shoot is failing because of some crazy kid on SNS

4. [+69, -12] Some of you seem to be misunderstanding... but this is a movie that would've been buried without any attention if not for Sulli...

5. [+51, -4] Before the movie release, everyone was so sure that Sulli would be the reason for its failure. After its release, everyone realized that the only reason the movie was deserving of any attention was because of Sulli...


Article: [Official] Kim Soo Hyun reps, "He seems to have cried because he realized his friends at the VIP screening were on his side"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+904, -12] Please don't work with your relatives again... it's so obvious that they don't have any talent and just wanted to make a quick buck off of his name

2. [+839, -21] You worked hard shooting this bullsh*t of a movie

3. [+746, -14] I watched a review for this movie and they claimed that it would be remembered as his absolute worst movie in his entire career from debut to retirement ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ the critic even said it was bad to the point where it deserved a spot in the top 3 worst Korean movies.

4. [+57, -0] A lesson to never work with blood relatives..

5. [+56, -5] Ugh seriously ã… ã…  the movie's so boring, I was angry while watching it ã… ã… 


Source: Naver

1. [+7,805, -342] It's his first comeback in a while and even he acknowledges that the movie is a flop. He even invested 10 billion won of his own money into it... tsk tsk, he won't even be getting the production costs back ã…¡ã…¡

2. [+5,728, -172] This will remain an embarrassment on his career history

3. [+4,208, -125] Why this movie of all movies ㅜ.ㅜ

4. [+1,347, -27] Was his cousin hyung worth all of this mess ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ this is why you never go into business with family

5. [+1,208, -19] He's obviously crying because a movie he worked on for two years is being slammed with negative reviews


Article: 'Real' reps, "Picture of Sulli's scene was illegally leaked... we are looking to delete its trace"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+1,059, -64] So sick of all this talk about that nude scene... enough!

2. [+945, -49] This feels like a marketing ploy too ã…¡ã…¡

3. [+730, -44] That scene being leaked is a huge hit for the movie only because that's more than 50% of the reason people are bothering to watch the movie at all

4. [+56, -2] 26% rating on Golden Egg...

5. [+54, -2] Apparently her scene was edited with CG... I wonder what they edited though? Her size?

6. [+53, -4] It's obvious the scene was full of CG. Her size changes in every scene like a rubber hand ã…‹ã…‹

7. [+51, -5] This is noise marketing, guys. I saw the movie and it only shows Sulli's backside. The nipple is an actress double. Such a waste of my money.

8. [+48, -2] Guys, please don't pay money at the theaters just to see some skin ã…‹ it's all CG

9. [+41, -1] Oh are they talking about her 5 second scene in a 2 hour long movie? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

10. [+32, -1] The movie's alright to watch if all you're watching for is Sulli's nude scene but it's not as sexy as you guys are probably thinking. People were getting ready to leave almost 20 minutes before the movie was even ending after that.


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