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Can Choa's case be compared to Sulli and Jessica?

Can Choa's case be compared to Sulli and Jessica?

Article: Is Choa the second Sulli and Jessica? Standing between a relationship and leaving the group

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+503, -58] She's closer to Jessica's case than Sulli's. Jessica kept denying that she wasn't in a relationship with Tyler Kwon before leaving and then ended up leaving and getting into all sorts of rumors with him before finally admitting they were in a relationship ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+443, -58] FNC has begun their attack. They're about as bad as Kwang Soo with T-ara.

3. [+292, -16] Jessica left to go join the agency Tyler Kwon set up ã…‹ã…‹ a total runaway and betrayal scenario ã…‹ã…‹ as if she's any fashion designer, she tried to go back to singing in China and flopped

4. [+25, -3] I wonder why I see so many comments saying they feel bad for Choa. Choa has a contract left to fulfill on top of CF contracts and she's pushing all of that and her members aside because she's so blinded by love. I don't think it's right to defend behavior like that. I respect her decision to date or get married but you're responsible for your job and it'd be better if she finished it all before moving on with her. What she's doing now at 28 years old is really irresponsible.

5. [+17, -7] I wouldn't say Choa's at the level to be compared to these two though...

6. [+16, -3] For all of you feeling bad for Choa for working so hard only for Seolhyun to get popular, it's at least thanks to Seolhyun that AOA made it this far. Don't talk as if Choa made some huge sacrifice. FNC gave her the support she needed and everyone stayed quiet then but as soon as FNC started giving that same support to Seolhyun and earning better results with it, everyone got up in arms ã…‹ã…‹ fans need to start blaming themselves for not giving Choa more attention when she needed it

7. [+14, -5] I honestly don't think Choa did anything wrong. She's the one who got AOA up and running with her charms and vocal talent only for Seolhyun to reap all the benefits. I'd be nervous in her position too, and I think Choa made the best realistic decision possible in her situation. Staying longer in the celebrity industry doesn't guarantee you anything. I wouldn't compare her to trash like Sulli and Jessica. Choa was basically thrown out.

8. [+10, -0] I think the biggest problem is that a team loses its image without their main vocal like WG and Sunye and Nine Muses and Sera

9. [+9, -3] Jessica and Choa are the perfect examples of when girls go totally blind once they fall in love...

10. [+8, -4] I think Choa's case is completely different from Sulli and Jessica. Sulli - nevermind her, and Jessica left because she got greedy thinking she could do better without the group, whereas Choa seems to have left out of exhaustion.


Article: Choa fan who predicted her dating rumors under controversy "Check the papers tomorrow"

Source: YTN via Nate

1. [+629, -64] Fans really must think they possess these celebrities... it's a mental illness at this point

2. [+499, -46] No wonder Choa wants to leave and quit the industry, this is sickening... do fans really think acting like this is in the best interests of their favorite singers? They just seem like obsessive weirdos..

3. [+472, -55] Celebrities have it nice with all the money they make but it's in exchange for a tiring private life like this... a world that's nothing but camera flashes around them. Tiring.

4. [+33, -1] So Sports Seoul bought the pictures from some sasaeng?

5. [+25, -9] No one's giving Choa crap for leaving. They're giving her crap for being irresponsible in the whole process. Everyone supported her when she wanted to leave because she was sick and truly tired, but instead she spent the whole time going on vacation with a man and disappearing from all her responsibilities. Choa's better off staying out of the industry now and being happy with her own life.

6. [+15, -4] I think the fan's sick for what they did but I'm not too fond of what Choa did either. Not a word to any of her supportive fans, just straight up disappeared only to come back to post once they started worrying... She could've given her fans a heads up..

7. [+8, -0] I mean the best replies are right but the whole point of idol careers is that you're reliant on your fans... If you put food on the table this whole time thanks to all the support your fans gave you and then you turn around and throw those fans away? I'd understand why the fans are mad now..

8. [+5, -0] Yeah, Sports Seoul didn't take those pictures themselves. Some fan who followed her around got them and passed them to the outlet.


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