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Baek Ye Rin criticizes comments saying she's trying to imitate Sulli

Baek Ye Rin has spoken up against comments accusing her of trying to imitate Sulli.

Baek Ye Rin posted a video on her Instagram of her making silly faces at the camera. Because of her outfit, her red lipstick, and the close up on her face, some accused her of trying to imitate Sulli.

A video posted by yerinb (@yerin_the_genuine) on

The comments went overboard enough that she took to her Instagram again towrite, "I don't think there was something wrong with the intent, but rather the hearts that are so twisted. Once someone takes the lead, people who had no interest keep coming to write comments that they wouldn't be able to say to my face. You should just block me and not see my posts. I know some of you write pretending you're fans. You've followed me from the start to keep an eye on me because you dislike me, and that's something to be punished for. It's not that I should be used to or get strong aginst things like these, but that people who are doing the wrong things should change~"

What do you think of the accusations?

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