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Soompi: Top K-Drama Moments of the Week: October 5–11

Top K-Drama Moments of the Week: October 5–11


Romance forges ahead for many of our current favorite K-drama characters while a new show brings on an inspiring male lead.
1. “Twenty Again” (Episode 14): Romance is cure

Who needs a doctor when you have the sweetest man to take care of you?
Ha No Ra has gotten sick and falls asleep at Hyun Seok’s place. When he arrives, he immediately goes on caregiving mode, cooking porridge for her and giving her medicine. As he holds and feeds her, No Ra calls out for Grandma. All night he stays next to her, and when she wakes up the next morning, she realizes what he’s done for her.
Deeply grateful, she brushes his hair without realizing it, and when he smiles in his sleep, No Ra snaps out of it. Realizing what she’s done, she rushes out of his place, her heart racing. Heh. She might be confused by her actions, but Hyun Seok knows her heart more.
2. “She Was Pretty” (Episode 7): You saved my life

Sung Joon’s behavior often makes Hye Jin remember what they once meant to each other. However, the business trip they are forced to attend together is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Breathing in fresh sea air, Sung Joon unwittingly tells her that her letters brought him comfort during his darkest times.
We love this scene because we love the flashbacks of their childhood friendship and it’s great to see how much she still means to him. Now kiss, you love birds!

3. “Six Flying Dragons” Episode 2: The power of many

As Goryo’s magistrates move to ally themselves with the Yuan, many of its citizens are faced with the possibility of war and the inevitable death of many of their young. Jung Do Jeon steps up bravely to stop this from happening. He publicly confronts Lee Im Gyeom, challenging the formation of the alliance. His rousing speech resonates with the crowd as the people voice their determination to do what it takes to block the alliance.
Jung Do Jeon’s speech is an inspiring reminder of how true power does not stem from the background dealings of the few but from the voices of the many.

4. “D-Day” (Episode 8): Can’t hide this crush

After checking up on a patient, Ddol Mi does some body stretches. We’re in awe of her flexibility and so is Hae Sung, who has just walked in and is quietly admiring her from the other side of the room. However, she probably could have been changing a bedpan, and Hae Sung would still have the lovesick ear-to-ear grin on his face as he watches [her] while mentally rehashing all their funny, touching, and tense moments together during the short period they’ve known each other.
Although these young doctors face crisis after crisis, we appreciate that the writers haven’t let a little romance fall by the wayside.

5. “All About My Mom” (Episode 18): No breaking us up

For days, Chae Ri has been glum, but she wakes up one morning back to her same bright self. As she gets ready for the day, she remembers the night before when she and Hyeong Soon made up.
After reading his letter confessing his deception and his sincere feelings for her, Chae Ri visited his neighborhood. With a little bit of help from Mr. Lee, who talked up his son’s good character, Hyeon Soon and Chae Ri reconciled. Later, the two found time to be alone together, cuddling with each other on a cold evening. Realizing that she left the house practically barefooted, Hyeong Soon warmed her feet with his hands. Despite his deceit and although he’s just her father’s driver, Chae Ri told Hyeong Soon she would rather not endure her world without him. They vowed never to break up, sealing the promise with a kiss.
Of course, there are more challenges for this couple, but in this moment, they only have their feelings to answer for, and Hyeong Soon has earned this time with Chae Ri as he’s no longer held back by lies.

6. “Sassy Go Go” (Episode 2): Familiar bump
Yeon Doo and the Class VP, Yeol, are off to a rough start.
Yeon Doo, who is more interested in dancing than studying, has been punished with cleaning duties by the ever-badgering Teacher Im. Her friends suffer along with her, but when they’re together, things always turn out fun.
One day, a water fight ensues when they’re supposed to be hosing the plants. Of course, Teacher Im catches the raucous and chases our young heroine. As Yeon Doo hightails it, she runs into Yeol, crashing on top of him. Eeep! And instead of being ticked off, Yeol gives her the cutest, most amused smile and teases her for always running into him. Heh!

That’s all for this list! Thanks for joining us, and look forward to next time!
Don’t forget to check many of these shows and more on VIKI!

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