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Netizen Buzz: Trailer for Suzy's 'The Hymn' movie released

Trailer for Suzy's 'The Hymn' movie released

Article: 'The Hymn' Suzy transforms into Chosun's first female singer 'homely smile'

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+416, -96] It's because it's Suzy that she's able to pull off a character like this... can you imagine replacing her with a plastic surgery monster face? You'd never get that feeling she's exuding... there's no face like her in the entertainment industry nowadays.

2. [+339, -72] Why are people trying to argue about whether or not she looks as pretty as an idol should be in a movie of all places? I think she matches the homely innocence of her character very well but people are just looking to hate.

3. [+235, -145] The 'Bad Girl Good Girl' Suzy is doing pansori??!!

4. [+164, -24] Wow... she's pretty in such a homely way

5. [+55, -25] Honestly I didn't expect much but I'm looking forward to it after seeing the trailer!!

6. [+53, -25] She looks pretty in the last cap... she might not look super gorgeous but like the article title says, she has a homely prettiness to her. All of you women putting her down calling her ugly, try putting on the type of make up style she has and see if you look just as good.

7. [+50, -47] The last cap made me wonder who she is ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

8. [+48, -23] Looking forward to Suzy's acting transformation. Checked out the trailer and it looks daebak~ will be watching for sure!


Source: Naver

1. [+3,157, -430] If she had opted instead to do a romcom after cementing her nation's first love image from 'Intro to Architecture', it would've been a much more secure career path but she went with a pansori movie that shows she's willing to challenge herself to new things.

2. [+2,051, -541] She looks pretty in a hanbok ã…‹ã…‹ Looking forward to the movie

3. [+1,525, -469] Looking forward to it, want to see it now~~~

4. [+1,374, -654] Hmm..........

5. [+618, -268] Suzy doing pansori, something about it makes me look forward to it

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