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Netizen Buzz: [Pann] AOA Chanmi's fan service

[Pann] AOA Chanmi's fan service
Oct 19th 2015, 15:08, by Vivienne

Pann: AOA Chanmi's hidden character

"During AOA's Japanese hand shake event, a Japanese fan told Chanmi the first time that she was deaf. The fan then went to another hand shake event and Chanmi remembered her face and signed in sign language, 'You're pretty'. The fan tweeted about it to say how surprised and touched she was ã… ã… "

"Another time a fan wrote a song for Chanmi and sent it to her and she listened to it and showed proof that she did. Also, when fans send her puzzles or blocks, she'll finish them and post pictures on Instagram. She's always trying to communicate with her fans."

Another fan account: "Last year, I went to AOA's fan signing and told Chanmi that I like how she's always full of determination and confident in herself but she actually replied that she's not that popular and has low self esteem so she exaggerates her actions to look like she does. AOA fans all know this but Chanmi's always the one who's nicest to the fans and always tries to lead conversations with them, striking up topics and reacting to what they say. She's also active on Instagram to communicate more. Recently she put up a proof shot of completing a puzzle that her fan had gifted her."


1. [+121, -12] I didn't expect this, sorry Chanmi-ya. I didn't see you in a good light before but this puts you in a new light.

2. [+118, -6] Did anyone else get touched that she learned the sign language for it? She has deep thoughts...

3. [+117, -7] So nice of her to learn something like that just for that one person ã… ã…  I don't think I would've remembered to do something like that

4. [+34, -0] I remember I randomly read a blog where the person went to their fan signing 2-3 times. She gifted Chanmi a book the first time and then Chanmi talked about her progress in the book the other times, saying she reads it before bed and stuff. She seems nice.

5. [+26, -1] There was a post she made in high school where she said something like, "All the unnis are popular, I wonder why only I'm not?" I felt bad for her when I read it. She knows how to receive love... wishing her more luck!! Chanmi fighting

6. [+26, -1] Chanmi doesn't get as much hate now but during 'Like a Cat', she got called fat all the time and rumors spread that she hated Choa (clarified)... makes me feel sad for her ã… ã… ã… 

7. [+18, -0] Chanmi just looks cold on the outside, she's actually a softie at heart ã…‹

8. [+15, -0] Chanmi's alright now but considering she's an idol, I think she would look prettier if she lost more weight. Her rapping's okay and she seems to do the maknae role well (I remember on some TV show, someone's hat fell down the stairs and she went to go get it). I started watching them for Seolhyun but the entire group is likable and pretty.

9. [+11, -0] 15,000 people attend those hand shake events. Must be touching to know that you're remembered among them.


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