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Netizen Buzz: Music college student commits suicide over bullying scandal

Music college student commits suicide over bullying scandal

Article: "My friend who was bullied in music school left this world"

Source: Financial News via Nate

A Facebook post exposed a music university keeping quiet about a student suicide resulting from bullying. The post reads: "Hello, we are friends of 'A', a former freshman student of the C college music school.Our friend was happy to start a fulfilling college career after she was admitted and glad to have met great people, but the happiness was short lived. She soon began calling us and sending us messages of herself crying regularly, talking about how hard everything has gotten. Her trusted friends had turned on her and seniors began harassing her.

A started dating a senior boyfriend and began depending on him, but dirty rumors about her began spreading nonstop. They'd call her out to drinking parties early in the morning and force her to drink herself into drunkenness. They'd then swear at her and make up rumors about how she slept with her ex-boyfriend right in front of her own boyfriend. 'Park' and 'Kim' were close with A at the start of the semester but they began ignoring her and A became the target of hate from her peers and seniors. Frustrated, A had went to Park and asked why people hated her, and Park had replied, 'We just don't like you.'

You might think that A did something to warrant this treatment but she did not at all. People purposely made up worse rumors to drive her and her boyfriend to breaking up. A did eventually break up with him over a misunderstanding but continued to receive harassment from those around her. One night, she drank a bit while talking about how everyone hated her and then went up to the rooftop and fell to her death.

One month has passed and her school and her peers are trying to bury this and keep it a secret. The female seniors who tortured her are shamelessly doing just fine. Us friends and A's parents want the perpetrators to be given the full legal consequences..."


Kakao Talk convo:

A: But I don't even know what to tell my parents. I just have too many thoughts going on ㅜ I just want to kill myself ㅠ
Friend: Wouldn't it be better to tell your mother the truth? If I were you, I would've already quit


1. [+1,741, -11] It's Joongang University's music college. I hope all of the bullies get their identities revealed.

2. [+1,621, -6] They're not kids anymore, they're adults, so make sure they receive the full consequences.

3. [+1,453, -12] I bet they'll live without guilt. They'll pay in hell for it, though... how badly did they harass her for it to lead to this...

4. [+151, -1] I saw their pictures on Facebook. The victim's super pretty... while the two b*tches look like their faces were busted in.

5. [+147, -0] The bullies are Joongang University music college Lee Hye Won and Park Chae Rin. The music world is small, their lives will be over once it spreads. I hope they live tragic lives.

6. [+94, -1] Sounds like the victim was pretty and talented. I bet they were jealous and harassed her for it... truly talented people don't resort to such petty bullying.

7. [+79, -2] If you see anyone in Korea who's above average in looks, you'll notice that they have a really strong head on their shoulders. You wanna know why? Because they were bullied by their ugly classmates and ostracized all throughout their school careers. They had no choice but to fight for their own survival. The victim in this case is obviously very pretty in terms of looks but she probably broke down because she grew up all her life without learning how to fight against the jealous haters. It's unfortunate. It's also sad how people will spread false rumors just because they're so blinded by jealousy over someone being prettier than them. May she rest in peace.

8. [+72, -1] This sounds like they were jealous of her being pretty and took it out on her by bullying her. Such ugly hearts... I hope they live their lives in guilt.

9. [+62, -0] Bullying is a form of murder. It's a lost life, and one of the reasons why T-ara has never received forgiveness for what they've done. Bullying is one of those things that will never be forgiven even if the law does.

10. [+43, -0] Went to their Facebooks and the bullies are still making up rumors saying she killed herself for cheating on her boyfriend and that she was pregnant. They are crazy. I can't believe they're talking like this without realizing how small the music world is and how fast these things spread.

11. [+33, -0] After seeing the bullies' face, I can see why. The victim was so much prettier than them and they were blinded by jealousy that they bullied her to death.

12. [+32, -1] You can tell just from her picture how pretty she is... the jealousy of women know no bounds..

13. [+28, -0] Their identities have all been spread on the internet already. The victim's super pretty. Long hair, big eyes... while the bullies are disgustingly ugly. This is just another example of women being a woman's worst enemy.

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