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Netizen Buzz: Jessica to launch a cosmetics line?

Jessica to launch a cosmetics line?

Article: [Exclusive] 'Businesswoman' Jessica to branch from fashion into cosmetics 'with Tyler Kwon'

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+268, -19] She gets to live so comfortably with that name 'Jessica'

2. [+223, -36] They're not even married and she knows nothing about business. They're a frivolous relationship that can end any day but she trusts this man enough to throw so many precious things away. As a fellow woman, I just see her making all these wrong decisions ã…¡ã…¡

3. [+175, -19] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Whatever...

4. [+29, -9] I won't be buying it

5. [+26, -7] Isn't her fashion business not even doing well

6. [+21, -1] If she left for her business, she should be showing more passion for it... but all she does is follow Tyler Kwon around

7. [+19, -2] They're not even married... and she's doing all these business things with someone who's just her boyfriend.. Might as well marry him.

8. [+7, -10] She's old enough to be able to do what she wants in life now. Kids can whine that she's a traitor all they want but she's not going to be a teen idol for the rest of her life. The real world is tougher than what you're all thinking.

9. [+7, -16] I find her realistic. At least she's trying to put food on her own table. Being an idol only lasts for so long, I think she made the right choice to go into business afterwards. I wish her luck since she started it anyway.

10. [+6, -4] What even happened to her sunglasses business? For a businesswoman, all you ever hear about her is her SNS activity ã…‹ã…‹

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