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Netizen Buzz: Big Bang's contracts due to expire, likely to renew with YG

Big Bang's contracts due to expire, likely to renew with YG

Article: [Exclusive] Big Bang to become free agents, likely to renew contracts with current YG

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+2,975, -118] I don't think there's another agency other than YG that fits well with Big Bang

2. [+2,341, -115] They'll definitely renew with YG...

3. [+2,165, -92] They're a good fit with YG, no need for them to go to another agency

4. [+1,758, -79] I know they're going to renew for sure ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

5. [+1,728, -83] Big Bang = YG, no other company fits them

6. [+231, -21] I hope they'll enlist at the same time and the five of them can discharge together and release another album together

7. [+176, -11] As many scandals as they've had, I think YG's the only company that can handle them. Honestly, Big Bang is YG and YG is Big Bang.

8. [+172, -18] After seeing a huge chunk of Super Junior enlist this year, I've noticed that a lot of the celebrities similar or older in age to Big Bang have served already. Big Bang honestly needs to enlist starting next year. I know they have a lot to lose but it's time to go.


Source: Nate

1. [+156, -21] If YG doesn't have Big Bang, aren't they pretty much a house in mourning? 2NE1 is impossible to recover, Winner's image is ruined because of that Nam Tae Hyun kid, iKON is off to a failure of a start despite all the money invested in them... they have nothing but Big Bang to rely on

2. [+151, -20] YG shields them no matter what scandals they get themselves into, of course Big Bang should be loyal to them

3. [+124, -11] I feel like if Big Bang ever tries to leave YG for another company, YG will just explode all of the scandals they've kept covered for them..

4. [+13, -0] Is there even an agency that can handle Big Bang? ã…‹ Even if they were to start their own labels, GD can't carry enough songs on his own without Teddy

5. [+13, -4] YG's in the dumps if they lose Big Bang, they'll latch on to them for sure

6. [+11, -0] YG's staying afloat because of Big Bang, I'm sure they'll cater to whatever Big Bang wants in their contracts ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

7. [+9, -1] If Big Bang even so much as shows a sign of wanting to leave, YG's CEO will definitely start media playing about all of their drug and sex scandals ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ No way would Big Bang leave now after all the cover ups YG has done for them.

8. [+9, -0] If Big Bang leaves, they run the risk of all their past scandals coming back to light. From YG's perspective, they'll lose 80% of their income... they have no choice but to stick together.

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