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A Year After Sewol Ferry Tragedy

I was thinking a lot if to write or not to write about the Sewol Ferry Tragedy, because this is a Kpop website, i would not want to be taken in a disrespectfully way nor as a joke, i just wanted to tell my sincere condolences to the relatives of the victims.

I've researched a lot about Sewol Ferry Tragedy and i felt the need to write about this Tragedy, i have watched Documentaries and searched the Internet for news about the Sewol Ferry Tragedy.

While i was researching about the Tragedy i started to feel pain in my chest, and it wasn't physicall pain but a feeling that i can't explain, i felt so bad as if i would've lost someone on this Ferry! I watched videos filmed by the students inside the ferry, seeing the students having fun and making jokes that they don't want to die,  they were making fun about wearing the life vest, laughing, one of the students even mentioned about the "Titanic" and making fun of the situation without knowing what was about to happen! They believed that they will be saved by the CREW / The Coast Guards, they were listening to the elders that announced to stay put and to not go anywhere!

While the Ferry Captain and 13 crew members were escaping after they stood idle instead of evacuating the passengers, there were student's dying! I don't want to point my finger to the crew members because nobody will ever know what really happened there, and because there were some crew members that died trying to save passengers on board! The cowards ones i can't blame them either because is well known that not everyone has in they're blood to handle such pressures like "if they go back they could die" the first Human instinct is to save itself. But still the ones that escaped without doing their best or at least trying to help the passengers to escape, they deserve a big punishment!  The Ferry Captain that had the final decision in giving the orders to evacuate the Ferry was escaping instead of giving the orders for evacuation! If the Ferry Captain would've tried his best to save the passengers i bet that there would've be more lives saved! Instead he escaped like a coward rat that he is! He deserves a bigger sentence than what he got!

While the blame for the Sewol Ferry incident has been passed around, the one who faced the public's wrath the most was Captain Lee Joon Seok. Lee was criticized for not taking proper action to ensure the safety of his passengers. Rather than directing the crew to help the passengers escape, he was reported to have told passengers to stay inside the ferry and then later escaping himself when help arrived.

In the end, although prosecution demanded capital punishment, Lee was sentenced to 36 years in prison on the charge of gross negligence. The 13 crew members, who admitted to remaining idle instead of evacuating passengers due to lack of orders were given 20 years for abandonment and violating maritime law. The chief engineer of the ferry was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 30 years in jail.

Remembering Sewol hero Park Ji-Young, a 22-year-old crew member and cafeteria worker

I had so many things on my head that i wanted to write about, but because i never studied English, i am a bad English writer and i don't know how to express myself corectly, so there fore here is a Documentary that will explain more about the worst ferry disaster in South Korea since 14 December 1970, when the sinking of the ferry Namyoung killed 326 out of the 338 people aboard.

I want to express my sincere condolences to all Relatives of this tragic ferry incident! I hope they will be able to cross this tragedy and live their life's happily!

New York Times: A Year After Sewol Ferry Tragedy, Peace Is Elusive for South Korean City

Daily Mail: The heartbreak left behind: A year after South Korean ferry disaster claimed 304 lives, the parents of young victims pose for haunting photos in bedrooms where their children will never sleep again

CNN: Sewol ferry disaster: One year on, grieving families demand answers

Straits Times: A year after Sewol ferry disaster, safety concerns persist in South Korea

Yahoo News AFP: Hepburn family to create forest memorial for Korea ferry victims


After watching toons of videos on YouTube about Sewol Ferry Disaster i've came across some comments that are unbelievable, one of the comments say

 "April 16th was the day sewol Ferry Disaster happened. So more than 50,000 of people gathered now to cherish the menory of decreased people and put chrysanthemum on their incense alter. But when people gathered, the police tried to disperse them with using tear gas and capsaicin. They also threatened to take ralliers to the police office. (and now, it became a reality.)"

Can anyone confirm this? If yes, some serious measurements should be taken! This is unacceptable!

  • After all it's true take a look at those pictures and video!

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